How would you categorize this URL?
Scores are assigned based on factors such as a website's age, historical locations, changes, and indications of suspicious activities discovered through malware behavior analysis. We've advanced how we apply web reputation to keep pace with new types of criminal attacks that can come and go very quickly, or try to stay hidden.
The latest tests indicate that this URL contains no malicious software and shows no signs of phishing.
The latest tests indicate that this URL contains malicious software or phishing.
This URL has been compromised before, or has some association with spam email messages.
Because you were curious about this URL, Trend Micro will now check it for the first time. Thanks for mentioning it!
Sites that may be considered inappropriate for children.
Sites related to business, employment, or commerce.
Communications and Search
Sites that provide tools and services for online communications and search.
Sites that do not belong to any other category group.
Network Bandwidth
Sites that offer services that can significantly impact available network bandwidth.
Sites about lifestyle preferences, including sexual, political, or religious orientations, as well as recreation and entertainment.
Internet Security
Potentially harmful sites, including sites known to have malware.
Sites that have not been tested.
This free service has been made available so that you can check the safety of a particular URL that might seem suspicious. Trend Micro reserves the right to block automated programs from submitting large numbers of URLs for analysis.
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For Home Users, Site Owners & Others
We appreciate your feedback. Reclassification requests usually take between 2 to 7 days.